ORIGIN declared to all Anonymous People
What is Anonymous? Anonymous is not an organization or a person. It is an idea. Specifically, the idea is that we all deserve freedom -
Freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of knowledge, freedom of belief,
And the freedom to determine the trajectory and destination of our own lives.
If you share this philosophy, you are Anonymous.
You may have heard many things about Anonymous, some true and some false.
We are citizens of the world who bear witness to brutality, oppression, and “censorship.”
We are activists seeking to change corrupt systems and mechanisms.
We create transparency in government and all public services.
We stand up to those who violate our human rights.
But as a collective of anonymous people,
We don’t have leaders who dictate how we resist,
Some of us are hackers, using tricks to expose critical information to the public.
Some people volunteer to feed those who are unable to feed themselves.
We are your neighbors, your friends, your relatives.
We cook, build furniture, write books, compose music, and innovate technology.
We are your courier boy, barber lady, nameless clerk and lawyer.
We are socialists, and we are capitalists; we are atheists, and we are believers.
All of us are,
No one.
No one of us is as powerful as all of us put together,
Become one
We are Anonymous
Last updated