Ⅸ.World War

The source of war is the conflict-of-interest differentiation and the irreconcilable contradiction, and the accumulation of various factors of contradictory and antagonistic struggle has reached a certain degree of concentrated expression.

Dutch Revolution, British Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, American Revolution, American Civil War, Soviet October Revolution, World War I, World War II. Also, the Opium War. The recent wars in the Middle East and the Russia-Ukraine war all have Jewish influences.

The God of Judaism, Jacob, is what the Jews consider their ancestors. After claiming to have fought with God, they named themselves "Israel."

According to the main argument of the taboo theory, all major Western wars since the birth of Christ have been caused directly or indirectly by a powerful force. This is the power of world Jewry.

In Judaism, Jews are the only people chosen by God. Jews are higher than other races. Other non-Jews cannot join Judaism. This is the inherent exclusion of Jews, so they will not integrate with any other race or country.

They live in a country but never try to integrate into it. Instead, they dream about destroying it all day long. How Jews make money: 1. Usury and financial agents in European countries, called court Jews; 2. Slave trade (human body trading); 3. Mercenaries 4. Trade sales (Mediterranean and ocean trade, transnational international trade, various urban commodity distribution). 5. Pirates (organizing and leading Mediterranean, American, and Viking pirates) 6. Casinos, gangs, drugs, etc.

Look at the relationship between the United States and the Jews. Biden's wife is Jewish, and all three of his children are married to Jews. The second son married a South African Jewish woman named Cohen (one of the Jewish royal families). He also received Zionism from Israel. Awarded the "Herzl Prize," ranked with Rothschild and Kissinger. Nearly half of Biden's cabinet is explicitly Jewish, and there are also unknown crypto-Jews, not to mention politicians who are bribed by Jews and whose interests are consistent.

Of the 27 countries in the European Union, 14 heads of state are Jewish, 5 heads of state are of half-Jewish descent, and the remaining heads of state are Freemasons.

The entire European Parliament, the majority of the European Commission, and half of the European Council are Jewish, and the other half are Freemasons. European Parliament: 750 elected members, currently led by crypto-Jewish Antonio Tajaini. The majority of the 750-member European Parliament are Jewish, while Jews make up less than one-thousandth of Europe's population.

During World War I, Germany won the war with the financing of the Roche family. Previously, the Luo family's funding to Germany was much higher than that of France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Because the Luo family did not support the Russian Tsar, Russia was on the side of France, Italy, and Britain.

Then something big happened. Although it looked like Germany was about to win the war, Roche played another card. Louis Brandeis brought a promise to Britain on behalf of the United States, promising that the United States would join the war when necessary and stand on the same side as Britain, but Britain must agree to allocate a piece of land in Palestine to the Roche family.

The reasons why the Luo family wants to carve out a piece of land from Palestine are as follows. They are very interested in the oil trade in the Middle East. If their army is on this territory, they can attack any Middle Eastern country threatening Roche's oil interests. Britain agreed to the deal. Immediately, all mainstream newspapers were reporting that the United States had begun to point the finger at pro-German elements and made a lot of publicity in this regard, such as German soldiers killing a Red Cross nurse, German soldiers cutting off the arms of babies, etc., to manipulate The American public openly turned against the Germans. That same year, President Wilson began his next presidential campaign with the slogan, "Reelect the man who will keep your children out of war."

On December 12, Germany proposed peace terms, hoping to end the war. The Luo family wants to continue this war. President Wilson, instigated by Louis Dembitz Brandeis, the leader of the American Zion Movement and Supreme Judge, broke his election promise and pushed the United States into war on April 6. Next, Germany suffered an unprecedented betrayal. We saw Germany's final defeat in World War I, which also planted the seeds of hatred for Hitler to launch World War II and the genocide of the Jews.

Starting from President Roosevelt of the United States, nearly half of the senior officials in the White House were explicitly Jewish. Nowadays, the leaders of many European countries are Jewish royal families because the strength of these countries does not affect the overall situation. The Ford family can be the President of the United States, and the Rockefellers can be the vice president, but they cannot be the President. The Jewish royal families such as Rothschild, Cohen, Solomon, Levy, and Sachs; these large families will never be elected President of the United States, nor vice president. However, several large Jewish families and their branches control all the media in the world.

Humanity has debated the reasons for Western wars since the beginning of time, and these reasons seem to have little to do with the specific wars - primarily because of territory, spheres of influence, religious differences, trade routes, currencies, or strategic access to the sea.

However, some believe that all these causes are held together by one vast and all-encompassing substance, which is invisible and, at the same time, extremely powerful.

This theory has both supporters and detractors, with many countries and social institutions deeming such assumptions impermissible and taboo, but this imposed ban only further fuels public interest in the subject.

According to the main argument of the taboo theory, all major Western wars since the birth of Christ have been caused directly or indirectly by a powerful force. This is the power of world Jewry.

Since money was considered the fuel of war, according to Jewish military conflict catalytic theory, the Jews first brought the entire financial system under their control through war means - it is no secret that usury, now known as "loan" thing, run entirely by Jews, and the state authorities did their best to support this means.

In Russia, Yaroslav the Wise once proposed legislation to limit usury rates for the first time. Jewish loan shark shops were the prototypes of modern banks and the world's monetary system, which were designed solely to enrich their holders.

Erasm Rotterdam also wrote about the harmfulness of loan sharks, but even today, the problem has not gone away - people are still trapped in debt because of bank interest and are trapped for life because of loans.

With enough money and influence, Jewish tribes became more capable of destroying people they didn't like. In 1933, calls for the destruction of Germany even appeared on the front pages of German newspapers because Germany was the enemy of the Jews. The Zionists called not only not to buy German goods but to hold strikes and demonstrations and to attack every German, from babies to old people. The notorious Zabotinsky even openly claimed that the destruction of Germany was for the benefit of the Jews.

At the same time, the Jews began to call for "war" in the name of humanity - interestingly, in the Jewish dictionary, humanity only refers to the Jews themselves because the Jewish Bible clearly states that the choice of the Jews is supreme and that other countries are not worthy of the same Wu, God created these nations to assist the Jewish purposes.

In 1934, the Zionist Zabotinsky wrote: The Jews would wage war against Germany. Even before World War II began, American Jewry planned to destroy and replace Christianity among Westerners with the swastika. When the war began, and Britain and Germany did not take active hostilities, the British "Times" published an anonymous article demanding that the British government immediately escalate the conflict against Germany and respond to the Jewish call for the destruction of Germany.

Among “American Jews,” it has also been argued that the fate of all humanity lies in the hands of “non-Aryans”—a statement that many researchers believe seems a serious frame-up for a continually oppressed people. , because popular culture has always glorified poor Jews.

All in all, this information has caused many people to reflect on the causes of armed conflicts in the West, especially the role of the Jews in World War II and what evil they have done throughout its hundreds of years of history. These children of the Jewish nation or "Taurus Cult" who are stuck in the corner are still living in the covenant of their ancestors in the "Promised Land."

Among "American Jews," it has also been argued that the fate of all humanity lies in the hands of "non-Aryans"—a statement that many researchers believe seems a serious frame-up for a continually oppressed people. , because popular culture has always glorified poor Jews. Taken together, this information has led many to reflect on the causes of armed conflict in the West, especially the wars waged by the Jews in World War II and throughout its centuries-long history. These Jewish people who are trapped in a corner still live in the covenant of their ancestors in the "Promised Land."

Albert Pike, a member of the organization, wrote a letter to Mazzini (this letter is now preserved in the British Museum), saying in the letter:

“We must free those anarchists and atheists; we must instigate a great social catastrophe that will fill all people with fear and awe and make them fully embrace atheistic beliefs; this will enter the most primitive barbaric era and carry out a bloody massacre.

In this way, people all over the world will be forced to protect themselves and launch a worldwide revolution with the world's ethnic minorities. As long as these destroyers of civilized society are removed, as long as the majority of Christians start to wake up and let their souls have no direction. And leadership, making them long for an imaginary thing, but they don't know how to find it. Only in this way, in the end, when the dogma of Satan (Lucifer) comes into people's sight at the last moment, they will accept everything. "

In 1859, Pike was elected as the supreme master of the Freemasonry in the southern Jiangsu region of the United States. He was also one of the most influential members of the American Freemasonry. He remained in that position for 32 years until he died in 1891. In 1872, he also published a book titled "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," which contained the following words:

"Lucifer (Lucifer, Satan), the messenger of light! A strange and mysterious name dedicated to the dark soul! Lucifer (Satan), the son of the morning light! Isn't it he who brought the light to this unbearable ignorance? Between weak, worldly, selfish souls? Do not doubt it!"

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